litmus test


litmus test

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Englannin sanakirja

litmus test englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A simple test for the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, using litmus paper.

  2. puhekieltä Any test which produces a decisive result by measuring a single indicator.

  3. 1940, Allison Danzig, "Leading Elevens Face Stern Threats in Saturday's Games," New York Times, 2 Oct., p. 27,

  4. Temple, under its new coach, Ray Morrison, formerly of Vanderbilt, will be put to the blue litmus test Friday night when it takes on Georgetown.
  5. 1998, "Baby-Boomer Bonding," Newsweek, 16 Feb.,

  6. For good reasons or bad, early membership of the currency union has become the litmus test of being a "good European."
  7. 2004, Matthew Cooper, ",9171,995621,00.html Candidates In the Wings," Time, 15 Nov.,

  8. He opposes a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage—a litmus test for many social conservatives.
